Sunday, January 3, 2010

Put Boomers into your 2010 plan and demonstrate you?ve got 2020 foresight.

Matt Thornhill of Engage:Boomers really has his finger on the pulse of the baby boomer market and posted 10 Reasons To Put ‘Em In Your ‘10 Plan.

Since I am a big believer in the 80/20 principle (80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts), I am posting the two reasons, I believe will provide 80% of your results. You may read the additional 8 reasons at the link above.

1. You will build your career and legacy on their backs. (We thought we’d start with a personal reason to motivate you to keep reading.) In 2020, the marketing leaders in organizations will be the ones that figured out how to make their products or services relevant to the over-50 crowd. That’s because the over-50 crowd will grow 21% in size in 10 years. The 18-49 crowd will remain the same size. We’re not making this up. It’s Census data.

2. They buy things. Lots of things. Overall, the over-50 crowd outspends the under-50 crowd by $400 billion. That’s more than Walmart sells annually. Want some of that action?

Put Boomers into your 2010 plan and demonstrate you’ve got 2020 foresight.

Boomer 54

Bob Botsford-Worry Is The Interest?

We pay on tomorrow’s troubles. Bob Botsford, Pastor Horizon Christian Fellowship, Rancho Santa Fe (San Diego), California.

Matt Thornhill-Baby Boomers Buy Things. Lots of Things.

Overall, the over-50 crowd outspends the under-50 crowd by $400 billion. That’s more than Walmart sells annually. Want some of that action?
Matt Thornhill

Boomer Project founder/president Matt Thornhill is an authority on marketing to today’s Boomer Consumer. He has appeared on NBC, CBS and CNBC, in “BusinessWeek,” “Time,” “Newsweek” and “The New York Times” and countless others. Matt is also the co-author of the business book Boomer Consumer: Ten New Rules for Marketing to America’s Largest, Wealthiest and Most Influential Group