Saturday, December 22, 2007

Baby Boomers Going Deaf?

Baby Boomers Going Deaf?

I just read this.....Hearing Impaired Telephones For Any AgeAs baby boomers age, many of them also find that they have some sort of hearing loss. This is attributed to the fact that their generation was the first to hear rock and roll music and most will say it has something to do with loud noises and music. Due to this, they have to face the issue of hearing loss, which is now more prominent than it was in the days of their parents. However, hearing loss is also a hereditary thing, in which most of their parents also have some form of hearing loss as well.
Find hearing impaired devices here:

This is why hearing impaired telephones have increased in popularity over the last several years. As baby boomers begin to reach their fifties and sixties the need for hearing impaired telephones increases. Of course, it is not only the baby boomers that have to face troubles with hearing loss, it is almost any generation today that faces the problem.In fact, in a survey conducted by the National Health Interview, there was a massive jump in hearing related losses in almost every age group. For instance, for those that are between 45 and 64 years of age there was a 26% increase. For those that are between 18 and 44 years of age there was a 17% increase. This means that there is an increase in demand for telephones for the hearing impaired.For many people, when they think of hearing loss, they think of deafness or near deafness. The reality is that there are many different forms of hearing loss. While sound may be a bigger part of the picture, pitches and comprehension is also a major factor. Pitch deafness affects a person's ability to make out certain words and sounds as applied in the area of speech. This writer has her own personal hearing impairment and has the need for a hearing impaired telephone as well.I am deaf to high pitch noises in one ear and have pitch deafness in another. In my right ear, I can hear that someone is speaking to me, but cannot make out what it is they are saying specifically. This typically occurs over the telephone, while in person the other ear tries to compensate.
For hearing impaired phones:

A hearing impaired telephone helps minimize the embarrassment of lack of understanding and increases the enjoyment of having a conversation at the same time. No matter if you are a baby boomer who is now suffering for the loud music or someone who just seems to have some trouble hearing a telephone for the hearing impaired can make all the difference in the world.

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