Sponsored tweets has become a major money maker for people with loyal followers. In fact, John Chow was featured in the New York Times last month because of how he was making money from Twitter.
Recently he was paid $1,000 for making one tweet! The $1,000 tweet was given to him by Ad.ly, the newest player in the paid per tweet game.
Ad.ly brings together big name tweeters with big name brands, which is how they get the big payouts. Until recently, the only way you can join Ad.ly was to be invited. However, with the pending launch of their new self-serve ad system, Ad.ly is now accepting applications from smaller Twitter users. You can join here:
Ad.ly Ads.
To make money with Ad.ly, your Twitter account must be at least 120 days old and you must have at least 50 followers. If you meet these two requirements, then go apply now! It doesn't cost anything and you have complete control over which ads you accept or reject. You get to set your own prices as well, but Ad.ly will always try to sell your tweets for the highest price possible. That's how John Chow got the $1,000 tweet.
John Chow shares, “I've been tweeting for dollars for a few months now and it's proven to be the easiest money I have ever made online. It took less than a minute to write that tweet that made me $1,000. That works out to an hourly rate of over $60,000 an hour!”
Even if you only get $5 per tweet, that still works out to $300 per hour for a one minute tweet. Where else can you get that kind of pay rate?
Read the entire story and sign up for Ad.ly Ads and grab your share of the money!